Pilgrimage to Opportunity - Sara Vita

The photograph of the Opera House steps, Sara's chosen symbol of "Home," resonates with her Australian experience. It embodies the journey of countless individuals who, like Sara, have embarked on a pilgrimage in search of opportunities and a place to call home. The steps, both literally and symbolically, represent the gradual progression and the actions taken to achieve personal growth and success in a new land.

In contrast to the promise of opportunity, Sara's image also conveys the poignant concept of "Away." The empty stairs symbolize the sacrifices made by those who leave behind their families, friends, and their culture. It speaks to the bittersweet reality of starting anew in a foreign land, where aspirations are pursued with determination, yet the heart remains tethered to what was left behind.

Through her lens, she invites us to reflect on the journeys we undertake, the sacrifices we make, and the dreams we pursue when we step away from the familiar comfort of home in search of a better future.


Limited Edition Print 1/50

10% of this print sale goes to NASCA



Bring Out Your Dead - ROBERT FRITH


Squooshy Feeling - Sian Fay Kerr